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David Griffiths has worked for a number of years in the areas of statistical analysis and modelling within both the Government and the Commercial sector. In 1991 he set up TRAC as a means of offering his skills and expertise on an independent basis to help clients generate insight from data to meet business objectives.

David Griffiths

  • modelling to predict the likelihood of customer lapsing so that sensible retention strategies can be put in place,
  • maximising upsell and cross selling opportunities,
  • the generation of score card models to predict credit worthiness and debt,
  • the optimisation of customer contact strategies,
  • the prediction of campaign response for a wide range of goods and services from luxury cars, to charity response, to games consoles. 
  • segmenting customers into meaningful sub-groups to facilitate better communication.
  • building geo-demographic classifications to better understand who your customers are.

Relevant Experience and Skills

  • Background in Research and Analysis
  • Highly experienced in Data Analytics and Statistical Modelling
  • Carried out projects in just about all industry sectors
  • Good at liaising and working with clients to define project objectives, and to meet these within agreed timescales and costs.
  • Familiar with a wide range of statistical analysis packages such as SPSS, SAS, R, Answer Tree, Latent Gold, Clustan, Neural Net Modeler, and also mapping software.

Get in touch now

Let’s talk about how better understanding your data can have huge effect on your business and increase profitability.