One of the most important factors affecting response to marketing campaigns is affluence. This is true for the promotion of a wide range of goods and services from charitable appeals for donations, to applications for credit and finance. However, the likelihood of making a purchase is dependent upon many factors of which wealth is just one and so, in addition we have also derived generalized measure of family presence.
The product is postcode based and allows you to identify areas by affluence or the presence of families or both. The two measures or predictors are held as numeric scores for each postcode. Each was derived from a variety of data sources. The wealth score was derived from information about earnings, the presence of detached properties, house prices, data on occupation, industry, unemployment and , educational qualifications The family score is also derived from multiple data sources, the presence of families, the number of children, ages of children, properties with 5 or 6 rooms.
To provide an indicator as to the accuracy of the data, the postcodes of very affluent areas in North West London were mapped and are shown as red dots. The map shows just how clustered extreme affluence is.